Vidyasagar Talks on TRUTH

Vidyasagar Talks on TRUTH

Sunday 14 August 2011

Saturday 14 August 2010

Know Yourself

In Existence past is not repeated. This means there is no continuity. Every time it is new and fresh. But man has invented words to give continuity for everything. You don’t like someone. There is continuity. Psychologically you have invented this nonsense. You have given continuity to everything. Your husband, wife, children or whatever you see. The reality is they are not continuous. Can you prove they are continuous? You have taken this continuity inside you.  Outwardly, externally everything is non continuous. You cannot see an old one. This is the mystery of energy. Everything appears and disappears at an amazing speed. The cinema shows, the TV shows are only non continuous. You run the still photographs of cinema film at a rapid speed and it produces an illusion of continuity. A man running from here to there in a film is non continuous, still pictures. You can examine the full length of the film and find out this truth. They are still pictures of different, different movements creating an illusion of continuity. If something is continuous you will never become old. You will remain as a child always. 
On the editing table bits and bits of pictures are pasted together to make it appear as a continuous one. Your TV shows are much faster. Electromagnetic waves moving to create an illusion of a continuous moving which is something like a cinema show. As a matter of fact just now you are  like that appearing and disappearing including your wife/husband, children and what all you see. In reality you are seeing them newly every time but thoughts presume it as a continuous one. A continuity of the past. 
I challenge Science to deny this. Memory is the culprit which makes you run amuck. This memory itself is false. I have repeatedly said this, but who is going to listen when the listener himself is a non continuous nothing. 
Your cinema shows will prove this. Any number of repeated shows will make it appear as if it is present now, happening now.  What is Energy? Ultimately it is a no thing, empty, but appearing as matter which is an illusion. This useless matter is creating havoc and at the same time producing a mysterious and marvellous effect. 
Nothing is repeated in the world. Show me another person who is exactly like you either in the past or in the present. This person himself is a changing phenomena appearing as stationary. Close your eyes, touch anything solid and concentrate on it. You will find it disappearing. In the inner world everything disappears. This is what is called Dhyana or if you want, you can call it Meditation. 
Your Cosmos is in a great flux. Changing every moment and not repeating. You are just a tiny speck in this changing Cosmos. With the Cosmos you also change or you are also in a great flux and you cannot claim that you are a stationary object. 
Every object you see is like this. The eye deceives you. The thoughts deceive you by interpreting it as stationary when the thoughts themselves are in a flux moving very rapidly. They are only electromagnetic waves or Theta waves. Your brain produces only Theta waves and not solid objects. You brain is nothing but a generator of Theta waves. You cannot say you are seeing the same thing again and your brain does not say this. 
You never existed as a solid object. You don’t exist as a permanent entity even for a single second. This shows that your very existence itself is questionable. Tell me who are you?

Einstein proved matter does not exist. What appears to exist as matter is an illusion caused by energy. This energy itself is a projection of non energy which the science calls as black energy. This energy is nothing but a projection or shadow of Consciousness out of which forms appear. They may be construed as anything by mind or thought. But this perception is doubtful. It may be called as illusion or dream or even real because there is no one to perceive it. There is no meaning in giving a name. The name is a thought, based on sensory experiences. The senses themselves are nothing but a projection of matter. The same name can be given to it as illusion or dream or real.
To give a real name, there should be a real perceiver. In reality there is no perceiver. It may not be acceptable to a cluster of thoughts which are themselves relative and limited and an idea of a false possessor of these thoughts appear for the same thought which is the false I or Me or Mine. They carry no meaning for the Wisdom and Intelligence. The wisdom is covered by conditioned thoughts and the Truth remains unknown.

The world comes to appearance only after you come. Therefore, the world is born only after you are born or appear. Everyday this you and the world disappear for you in sleep. Again they appear to arise in the morning. There is no continuum. There is a break in sleep. If this is real, you will see the world as new every day. This continuum is an illusion created by the mind because of the ever present Consciousness. That is, a broken event appearing as a continuity. The fact is, the dream and wakefulness is completely erased in the thing called sleep and the mind creates a new event the next day but makes it appear as a continuation of yesterday’s  event which is not there and false. In fact you are born and disappear every day. Every day actually the mind sees only new subject and objects but makes it appear as a continuation of a subject and objects seen earlier. Nothing in the world is old. It is always new. What a wonder and a mystery? You are sleeping without enjoying this beauty with your eyes wide open.

With the sight the objects appear. When it is understood they are only appearances, they lose their false reality. When this is known the whole idea of what ever seen becomes a wonder. The second person and third person have no meaning because they are you. What is left is only You. You alone exist. 
You see yourself as beauty. You see yourself as songs and singing. You see yourself as body. You see yourself as love. You are known as subject and object and vice versa. The objects are subjects by themselves but unknown to ‘Itself’. The subject is you, or I. 
In energy, which is mind, there is a rhythmic flow of patterns which make the forms. This pulsating rhythm is Mathematics, language, logic, science etc. There is a pattern in all this. Light and darkness are one. When one is separated, it becomes relative. Similarly all opposites are perceived. In fact they are one.

Friday 14 August 2009

Reality Explained

Gift of Existence
Your experiencing dream is false in waking state. Your experiencing waking state is false in sleep as you don’t know any thing of your waking state. Your experiencing sleep not in sleep and say it only in waking state. Therefore, sleep is also false. That is when you are in one state the other states are false. In such a condition how can you come to a conclusion that a particular state is true. This you will know when you are conscious of sleep also which is nothing ness. But the Consciousness continues in all these three states otherwise you will not know these states. But the pity is you are identifying yourself only with the waking state and not aware of Consciousness. On both sides of sleep wakefulness is present or in other words it may be said that sleep develops into dream and waking states. Now understand that your dream and wakefulness is the product of nothingness which is sleep. All these appear as some thing as objects are just illusions appearing on the background of Consciousness. They are false and untrue appearing as real. In sleep nothing is known is also false but the sleep is known in the next state which is waking. You come to know sleep consists of nothing in

waking state. Similarly you don’t come to know the waking state in dream. Therefore, no state is known to you in that state. Therefore, these states are false.

Now tell me what are you and existing in which state? Now do you understand that you are nothing but Consciousness which you cannot explain. This unexplainable thing is the real You. All the rest appearing as subject and object are only dreams of the mind and there is no reality in them. Mind appears and disappears creating illusions and you as a person is also an illusion get submerged in all these illusions or dreams. An illusion within an illusion or a dream within dream or an imagination within imagination. You are just a living no thing. All the rest do not exist but appears to exist. You are caught in this illusion. To know and understand this itself is the greatest gift from Existence.

Consciousness is conscious of every thing but without identification. Are you not just now conscious of every thing? Pure mind is always merged in consciousness when there are no thoughts. It remains just like two sides of a coin. It cannot be separated. It perceives consciousness as objects but at the same time knows its original nature. This mind as it is, is also an illusion because it is nothing but consciousness but functions as an illusory mind only for the purpose of projecting consciousness as objects. This will be known when the mind is free of ego and conditioned thoughts. The consciousness of yours is not based on you but on the outer as objects. You are missing yourself. The visible part of consciousness is the body. But you are not the body. The visibility is an illusion created through the eyes. The seeing is nothing but consciousness. You cannot explain this seeing alone.

Miracles are only connected with the body and impure mind having been corrupted by ego. Until man realizes himself as consciousness all the rest appears to act independently appearing as true including miracles which every one likes. But they are illusions. But miracles may happen at Consciousness level where there is no mind or thought of a body.

I am doing’ is false
I am here like a doer is just an illusion or ego created by thoughts. Is there a doer of a mirage? It just looks as if it is there but when you go near it, it is not there. The doer is similar to this mirage. If one enquires deeply he will find there is no doer and only doing goes on and if that is enquired further, the doing looks like a cinema or TV show. A sort of dream for nobody. This no body is nothing other than No thing ness which is consciousness.

Ego is the centre of reflection of others and what has been fed into you as recognizing media or thoughts. This forms the false ‘I’. Only through ego mind can evolve finally to be dropped. Therefore, ego is also necessary. But at one stage you will have to learn to drop it.

This moment
Planning is based on the past adding or subtracting some portions of the past and projected as future. You go to sleep and wake up. This you call the future or tomorrow. In this process the present or the “now’ is missed when there was no yesterday. It is always the now. This moment.

You are used
You are a contingent (temporary) illusion and not an universal necessity. Whether you are there or not the world is not bothered or affected. But you think others will be bothered and develop relationship without love which cannot be sustained. They will be bothered as long as you are useful to them. They will discard you the moment they come to know that you are useless for them any more

Love is Bakthi. Do you love anything when you go to a temple? Do you merge in love? (I am not talking about a woman/man.) You have a hundred and one requests to be made in the temple without knowing where to make the request. But after making the request you get satisfied. Find out who is getting satisfied. Don’t say ‘I’. It is false.

If you can relate with anger, why not with love? You just remain as a function or may be action like a machine. With ego you cannot have relationship. Relationship is based on love. It is love. The ego does not know love. Remain in love always. You will be in relationship with every thing. Don’t name it, such as ‘this is my uncle. I am related to him’. Stop this nonsense. Remain in relationship with children. Don’t say ‘this is my daughter or son’. Just be in relation ship with them. (In reality there is no ‘them’ also.) You will be in relationship with every thing. Even with a blade of grass. But you are rejecting it with hate and going for a divorce. Be in relationship with a woman. Don’t give a name to it as ‘my wife’. Clinging to a name as man or woman is not love. It is possessiveness. Who is possessing whom is the big question. No one can give a correct reply.

Withdrawal of thoughts is death. Projection or reprojection of thought is birth. Thoughts only appear and disappear. This is seen by the mind as birth and death and not by man. If you know this you will laugh at death. Nothing is born and nothing dies. You are just a mind doing this rubbish work. Birth is only the ego which is the ‘I’ thought. Thoughts create the universe. One has to struggle to get rid of this ridiculous illusion.

The real you is only a witness of all happenings. The world is not out side but inside you as consciousness. But you identify you with the body and therefore, the world appears out side. But

certainly you are not the seer or the doer. Only your eye sees. The body is used by the mind to do anything. The mind perceives itself as objects and you as a person don’t exist at all. Don’t use your nonsensical intellect here. It will not work.

Guru or Master is not the body or its name. It is the whole. You will not understand this now. But of course many pose as Gurus. But you cannot identify the real one because you are ignorant.

You are only after fulfilling your desires and think these false Gurus can help you. No. Nobody can help you. You have to help yourself and here you get stuck in desires. Drop these useless desires. Don’t compare yourself with others. It cannot be done. You are unique by yourself. Why you want to be somebody?

Monday 11 August 2008

Snippets and Q&A

Sleep does not exist in dream
Sleep does not exist in dream. Dream does not exist in waking. Waking does not exist in sleep, Then what is existing? If you enquire deeply, you will find these things appear and disappear on consciousness. They are false states appearing in Consciousness . One is conscious of these states except sleep which one says he had felt it or became conscious of it in waking state. Therefore, Consciousness alone exists in all these states and without it man does not exist at all. The irony is man gives prominence to these false states and does not recognize the permanent existence of Consciousness.

Food and thoughts
You would have noticed when you are hungry thoughts slow down. Have you ever thought as to why this is happening? You take food and the hunger disappears and the flow of thoughts is more.There is a link between food and thought. Or I would say thought is food. For thoughts to survive food is necessary. Other wise it will disappear. This is the meaning of fasting on festivals. But who is bothered to know all this.

In sleep there is neither hunger nor thoughts. What has happened? Have you ever tried to find out this disappearance and its cause? At that point you have existed. Other wise you would not have woken up. But you were not aware about your own existence and simply go on telling ‘I had a sound sleep’. Who is the one who experienced this sleep? Find out. That is your job and not hoarding wealth which is useless. The one who does not know his own existence goes on a spree of possession of articles of sophistication and luxury and dies one day not knowing himself. What an idiot is he, the man?

Qus: How did you realize yourself?
Ans: I don’t know whether I am realized or not. Something happened and led me into silence for years. I don’t want to bluff by saying I went to Himalayas and did Tapas. But one tip for you here. I have been going on enquiring about myself for several decades with no one to guide. All the Swamijis I came across were great bluffers, except three. You will be surprised that I never asked them any questions and they never answered. But a communication was going on in silence which I never knew. I used to sit with them for several days not opening my mouth and not spending a single paisa on them. But I continued with my Meditation for years. All these require a tremendous amount of spade work. The worst is not getting distracted by the outer world. The second thing is the false ‘I’ should disappear.

Qus: Is there a guided approach?
Ans: Yes. You need a real Master or Teacher. It is for you to find out who is the real Teacher.

Qus: Then, how do I know myself?
Ans: Don’t you know yourself just now. Your existence is known to you. You cannot say I don’t know my existence. Because you are conscious of yourself. But you wrongly identify yourself with the body and not with the Consciousness.You unnecessarily trouble yourself by imagining that you are a separate entity and start drawing a boundary around you which becomes your prison. This boundary and the separateness are only thoughts, just an illusion. Can there be a meaning for illusion? It is something like asking what is the meaning of a rose flower.

Know you are love
First know that you are Love. No need to go outside and search. Search within yourself. You will find it. Finding Love in you is much more precious than anything in the world. But you get attached to sundry things in life on the basis on thoughts which does not belong to you. Unless you know Love you cannot know what life is. That means you have not lived and will die one day like a mosquito.Do not seek love, instead look at each individual feelings that you have and ask yourself is this love or is this a path to love? Do not judge but simply observe.just patiently look and let it reveal itself.

Love is not attachment, nor is it detachment.
Love does not contain fear nor is it pleasure.
There is beauty in love,
There is freedom in love,
There is understanding in love, (JK)

When you have removed all feelings/concepts/ideas which are not love, then what remains is love. IN SHORT YOU ARE LOVE. You cannot say I am in love with somebody.

Saturday 14 June 2008

TRUTH Explained

Science and Spirituality                                         
Science accepts nothing exists. It says whatever appears to exist are nothing but an interplay of energy. (A sort of illusion just like a mirage) Science took three hundred years or so to tell this.

Our great Saints have said this thousands of years ago. To know this, one has to get rid of the ego which is nothing but thoughts thrust upon without one’s knowledge. The idea of a false I or me or mine has to be deeply inquired. One who does it and finds the falsity of this ego, knows Himself. You can give a name to him as a Saint or Sage or the one who has Realized Himself or a Self Realized man.

There is a beautiful cinema song of a Tamil cinema of mid sixties which is as follows:

Yen endra Kelvi ketkamal vazhkai illai
Nan endra ennam konda manithan vazhanthathillai

Every one enjoyed the music and did not dwell deep into the meaning of this song. It means with out questioning one has not lived a life and the one who said “I” am the doer has never lived. The lyric was by the great Kannadasan.

There is another poem by Barathiar which appeared in one of the recent Tamil films which goes as follows:

“Naanum vor kanavo, indha gnalamum poi thano”

This means “Am I a dream and is the world  false”

The body is nothing but a condensed form of energy (an illusion created by mind which is itself energy) which is made into movement by thoughts (which again is a form of energy) by creating an illusionary ego or a false “I”. This false I succumbs to thoughts in not knowing itself and goes on endlessly till it knows itself and its source. This appears to happen in time, which does not exist and appears as a very long period of time which one calls as many years. (this may appear to you as contradictory statement). Sarvam Sakthi mayam jagath. This means that every thing one sees as existing as objects are only energy which goes into an illusion of matter. This Illusion itself is the mind. This mind again goes into an illusion of thoughts and senses which is housed in an illusory thing called body which appears to arise in the morning which one says as waking and disappears in the night which one says as sleep. In this so called sleep only unconsciousness prevails and develops into a dream which appears as a fluid state and further goes into a deeper interactive dream which one calls as waking. The dream state is a semi conscious one and the so called waking state is a non conscious one. Occasionally one becomes conscious and again this non consciousness screens it or hides it due to conditioned thoughts. One has to learn to be always conscious and discover the real ‘I’ in him. If one is always conscious the real ‘I’ is automatically revealed.

What ever that appears to exist are only illusions or dreams or imaginations of the mind which is nothing but a part of energy which arises as a Maya from “What is or Consciousness”. This energy is called as Shakthi/mind and Consciousness is called Ullam. Crossing this in Tamil is “Kada”. Therefore, it was termed as Kada –vullam = Kadavul. Neither this Ullam nor Shakthi has a form, name or attributes. The whole universe is nothing but Consciousness out of which mind arises as a shadow and considers itself as energy which gets into interplay of illusions through matter and thoughts. Now tell me whether you exist as a person or it is only a bundle of thoughts.

It takes a life time for the so called man to realize himself. For many it may take several life times. It is difficult for thoughts or mind to understand this Truth and retaliates. It is not a person who is refuting all this. It is not you who is rejecting it. See the beauty and mystery of Existence. Unless one gets into deep Dhyanam and enters into Samadhi and simultaneously makes inquiries about himself it is impossible for
one to know Himself and Happiness  He may be going on blabbering all sorts of rubbish things not knowing himself. The world is full of such elements leading to wars, misery, selfishness, comparisons, demands, expectations etc. If every one starts knowing himself the world would become a paradise. But

the so called man is making it a hell and we are part of this but say “I am happy with money and other sophistications”- which are the products of the mind as illusion and perceived as real by it and not by a man who is himself an illusion of the mind and thoughts.

The great saint Thirumoolar said “Ondrey Kulam Oruvaney Dhevan”. This means that the whole world is one which springs out of Dhevan. He means Consciousness as Dhevan. Every thing is one – non dual. But man thinks he sees every thing as multiplicities. The question is who is the seer.  It is not the man who is the seer. He is just a body producing thoughts and emotions and there is no seer.

Today’s science accepts that there are worlds within worlds and universes within universes, multi dimensional and non dual and you exist simultaneously in all these universes appearing and disappearing at an unimaginable rapidity which produces a three dimensional and reality effect. The speed is 300000*300000*mass. Einstein was dumb found when he discovered this formula and announced his theory of relativity and the quantum theory.

This may be too much on my part to make one understand his reality when he is absolutely lost in illusions. Just a “try” on my part to pull out this ignorant man. But I am not certain whether he will understand all this. But I am certain he will rubbish this and throw it off.

Always remember that everything that happens is only a dream and not real. Only the Truth or What is, is real and all the rest are illusions of an illusory mind which are only dreams of the mind. It is like seeing a cinema and commenting on the hero of the picture as if it is happening in real life. Is it true or illusion?