In Existence past is not repeated. This means there is no continuity. Every time it is new and fresh. But man has invented words to give continuity for everything. You don’t like someone. There is continuity. Psychologically you have invented this nonsense. You have given continuity to everything. Your husband, wife, children or whatever you see. The reality is they are not continuous. Can you prove they are continuous? You have taken this continuity inside you. Outwardly, externally everything is non continuous. You cannot see an old one. This is the mystery of energy. Everything appears and disappears at an amazing speed. The cinema shows, the TV shows are only non continuous. You run the still photographs of cinema film at a rapid speed and it produces an illusion of continuity. A man running from here to there in a film is non continuous, still pictures. You can examine the full length of the film and find out this truth. They are still pictures of different, different movements creating an illusion of continuity. If something is continuous you will never become old. You will remain as a child always.
On the editing table bits and bits of pictures are pasted together to make it appear as a continuous one. Your TV shows are much faster. Electromagnetic waves moving to create an illusion of a continuous moving which is something like a cinema show. As a matter of fact just now you are like that appearing and disappearing including your wife/husband, children and what all you see. In reality you are seeing them newly every time but thoughts presume it as a continuous one. A continuity of the past.
I challenge Science to deny this. Memory is the culprit which makes you run amuck. This memory itself is false. I have repeatedly said this, but who is going to listen when the listener himself is a non continuous nothing.
Your cinema shows will prove this. Any number of repeated shows will make it appear as if it is present now, happening now. What is Energy? Ultimately it is a no thing, empty, but appearing as matter which is an illusion. This useless matter is creating havoc and at the same time producing a mysterious and marvellous effect.
Nothing is repeated in the world. Show me another person who is exactly like you either in the past or in the present. This person himself is a changing phenomena appearing as stationary. Close your eyes, touch anything solid and concentrate on it. You will find it disappearing. In the inner world everything disappears. This is what is called Dhyana or if you want, you can call it Meditation.
Your Cosmos is in a great flux. Changing every moment and not repeating. You are just a tiny speck in this changing Cosmos. With the Cosmos you also change or you are also in a great flux and you cannot claim that you are a stationary object.
Every object you see is like this. The eye deceives you. The thoughts deceive you by interpreting it as stationary when the thoughts themselves are in a flux moving very rapidly. They are only electromagnetic waves or Theta waves. Your brain produces only Theta waves and not solid objects. You brain is nothing but a generator of Theta waves. You cannot say you are seeing the same thing again and your brain does not say this.
You never existed as a solid object. You don’t exist as a permanent entity even for a single second. This shows that your very existence itself is questionable. Tell me who are you?
Einstein proved matter does not exist. What appears to exist as matter is an illusion caused by energy. This energy itself is a projection of non energy which the science calls as black energy. This energy is nothing but a projection or shadow of Consciousness out of which forms appear. They may be construed as anything by mind or thought. But this perception is doubtful. It may be called as illusion or dream or even real because there is no one to perceive it. There is no meaning in giving a name. The name is a thought, based on sensory experiences. The senses themselves are nothing but a projection of matter. The same name can be given to it as illusion or dream or real.
To give a real name, there should be a real perceiver. In reality there is no perceiver. It may not be acceptable to a cluster of thoughts which are themselves relative and limited and an idea of a false possessor of these thoughts appear for the same thought which is the false I or Me or Mine. They carry no meaning for the Wisdom and Intelligence. The wisdom is covered by conditioned thoughts and the Truth remains unknown.
The world comes to appearance only after you come. Therefore, the world is born only after you are born or appear. Everyday this you and the world disappear for you in sleep. Again they appear to arise in the morning. There is no continuum. There is a break in sleep. If this is real, you will see the world as new every day. This continuum is an illusion created by the mind because of the ever present Consciousness. That is, a broken event appearing as a continuity. The fact is, the dream and wakefulness is completely erased in the thing called sleep and the mind creates a new event the next day but makes it appear as a continuation of yesterday’s event which is not there and false. In fact you are born and disappear every day. Every day actually the mind sees only new subject and objects but makes it appear as a continuation of a subject and objects seen earlier. Nothing in the world is old. It is always new. What a wonder and a mystery? You are sleeping without enjoying this beauty with your eyes wide open.
With the sight the objects appear. When it is understood they are only appearances, they lose their false reality. When this is known the whole idea of what ever seen becomes a wonder. The second person and third person have no meaning because they are you. What is left is only You. You alone exist.
You see yourself as beauty. You see yourself as songs and singing. You see yourself as body. You see yourself as love. You are known as subject and object and vice versa. The objects are subjects by themselves but unknown to ‘Itself’. The subject is you, or I.
In energy, which is mind, there is a rhythmic flow of patterns which make the forms. This pulsating rhythm is Mathematics, language, logic, science etc. There is a pattern in all this. Light and darkness are one. When one is separated, it becomes relative. Similarly all opposites are perceived. In fact they are one.